Sunday, November 9, 2008

IM conversation with a colleague after I got home from #stamats08*

*slightly edited

M: How was the trip?

Me: Great. Met a whole slew of my Twitter friends

M: Were they feathery looking?

Me: Not so much ;-)

M: Any big revelations or ideas?

Me: Yes. I think I want to blog for .eduguru :-D

M: uh huh. Cool. And that helps us or gives you a place to network?

Me: See, here's the thing. The people who presented at this conference are part of my network. And the fact that everyone got to meet each other off Twitter and off the blogs means that network is strengthened. For me the entire conference (well, almost) was in the conversation and dinner and drinks that happened outside the sessions.

This conference produced a whole other conference outside of the presentations - streaming video, videos of presentations, photos, blogging, a #stamats08 Twitter Search (where everyone's tweets are aggregated in real time, even people who weren't there), a Ning group.

THIS is social media - the networking, but most important, the relationship building. Plus it gives us a chance to see and understand what others are doing and what we might do with social media for recruitment, retention, alumni ...

Are you getting this all down?

M signed off
M signed on
M is idle

Hmmm. Did I bore her? (just kidding, M!)


Kyle James said...

YES! You got it. Social Media = Relationships. The tools and sites don't matter and they are all over the place, but what is important is the relationships being built and shared. I have spent most of the day showing the girlfriend all the pictures, videos, and posts from the conference. Flickr, Ustream, Google Video, Twitter, various blogs, ning, the tools aren't important as the relationships and conversations being shared and built out there. You will never be able to keep up with it all and that is ok too. People just won't understand until they simply join the conversation and give it a try them self.

Karlyn Morissette said...

Great post!!! Kyle basically summed up my thoughts on it (except for the girlfriend part ;-) )

Kathleen VanderVelde said...

Kyle - glad you have such an understanding girlfriend! I yammered about this all the way home last night to my husband, too. He's tolerant ... to a point :-) Karlyn, thanks for your comment and support too!

Now to face Monday morning with some new energy...

Kyle James said...

Hey she's on twitter and was there before we got together! So it's great because we can kind of keep up throughout the day and I'm honestly not a huge phone person so it's like we already started the conversation out in the open through the day on Twitter and can then just go from there.