Online Marketing:Top Tips for Conversion Optimization
Kati Davis
Conversion is a desired action a user can take when they come to your website
Indicates how often your visitors felt compelled to give you some information in return for something of value you offer
- relationship building
- helps you get the most from your budget
- helps eliminate internal debates - site visitors decide what works
- 85% of traditional students use the web as their main or only source of information
- request program packet
- schedule a visit - key
- sign up for information session
- transcript evaluation
- determine scholarship award
- subscribe to newletter or other feed
- apply
Goal is to optimize your pages so fewer bail from your site before performing a desired action. Constant tweaking and testing of landing pages will see an average 40% lift in conversions
Essential elements affecting landing pages:
Friction- any kind of problem reduces conversions
Incentives - special offers
Visitor motivation - if they really want to do the action, they will
Value proposition - how quickly the page conveys value increases convrsions
Conversion optimization tips
- create targeted landing page for each purpose with one call to action - don't send them to the home page
- identify top entry and most visited pages - why do visitors value them
- keep pages simple - remove nav from landing pages; use white space
- use keyword(s) on the page - increases relevance to user. increases google quality score - could reduce your cpc
- strategic use of photos provides clarity, trust
- don't ask unnecessary questions
- make forms seem physically shorter - heck, make them shorter.
- clearly state what user is getting for filling out form/taking action
- be clear which fields are required
- test forms for usability
- make the thank you page work for you - add additional compelling content. 40% people who make one conversion on your site are willing to make another one
- be graphically appealing (i.e., what does 'submit' mean?)
- send followup confirmation email (confirms email address)
- find other ways to connect - online chat on the page, online-only 800 number
- tell them how you'll use infor they're giving you, i.e., not selling it
- allow opt-ins to newsletters or contact from admissions rep (rather than automatic sending or contact)
- focus on effective copy - 'you and your' not 'we, us, our'; bullet points, avoid jargon
- state most important ideas at beginning and end of page
- track everything - assign a source code to leads
- test everything
- look at examples outside higher ed
Google Website Optimizer
Free online survey services (Survey Monkey, Google Apps has one too)
1 comment:
Simply wow. These are the best tips I have read so far for conversion optimization. I highly recommend all these points to all the people who wants to have higher conversion rate for their website. Thanks to you for sharing.
improve conversion rates
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